Case Study

Optidrive Eco keeps storm water at bay

Optidrive Eco keeps storm water at bay


Reliable variable frequency drives were needed to control standby emergency storm pumps in one of Europe's largest tunnels to ensure safety for those using it.


Two standby pumps are controlled by two sets of 45kW Optidrive Eco's. Sensors in the tunnel monitor the storm water level linked to the Optidrive Eco drives which then run the pumps as required. The Optidrive Eco's also controls automatic duty standby and change over between the pumps, ensuring an equal workload for each pump and automatic back up in the event of a pump failure.

Dublin Port Tunnel

Duty standby pumps designed to evacuate storm water in the tunnel are controlled by two sets of 45kW power output Optidrive Eco VFDs running in PID control. Sensors in the tunnel monitor the storm water level linked to the Optidrive Eco drives which then run the pumps as required.

The Optidrive Eco's also controls automatic duty standby and change over between the pumps, ensuring an equal workload for each pump and automatic back up in the event of a pump failure.

The Optidtive Eco is specifically designed for variable torque applications and was installed in this application by EPS Limited, the pump applications specialist based in Cork. EPS Limited now specifies Optidrive Eco as standard in pump applications throughout Ireland.

Stephen Tighe of Invertek Drives Ireland, said: "The Optidrive Eco not only provides highly cost effective performance for variable torque applications, it is also extremely easy to use and provides some excellent energy saving features. The 'sleep mode' which automatically switches the drive off when not required is a major feature in providing maximum energy savings."

Dublin Port Tunnel facts:

The project employed 5000 people over the course of its construction delivering 7.5 million man hours. It is the longest road tunnel in an urban area in Europe

Two million tonnes of rock and clay have been moved over the course of the project

Much of the Tunnel is between 21 and 23 metres (7 storey's deep) below ground level, through hard limestone. There is approximately 10 metres of rock and 12 metres of boulder clay above the tunnel.