Lifts/Elevators control
We have vast experience delivering the right variable frequency drives into Lifts/Elevators control applications.
The key requirements for world class elevator control
Ride comfort
The elevator must move smoothly with strict limits set on acceleration to avoid any jerky movements
Start / Stop
Some elevator systems are rated for up to 240 start/stops per hour, requiring special attention to manging the amount of heat this will cause the motor to generate.
Levelling accuracy
An elevator is required to stop with precision, this could be as little as 1 or 2mm.
Speed feedback
Speed and position feedback is necessary to ensure speed control, levelling accuracy and ride comfort are delivered to the required standard.
Electrical braking
Electrical braking is required for accurate speed control of the lift with mechanical braking utilised as a parking brake.

Sumitomo Drive Technologies - products for Lifts & Elevators

High efficiency and customised electric motors for Lifts & Elevators applications
Power transmission products, gearboxes and gear motors for Lifts & Elevators applications