VFDs provide energy efficient control of the multiple motors often found in irrigation systems, from those pumping water to those driving wheels to move the swing arm across the field.

Instant cost savings

VFDs provide precise control of pump speed to allow the water pump to respond smoothly and efficiently to fluctuations in demand, avoiding wasted energy and water by delivering the exact amount of flow required at any time. This delivers lower lifetime costs for irrigation systems, improved well life and reduced mechanical wear. This also does away with the need to oversize the pump to meet any potential extreme load conditions, a major factor in reducing profitability of agricultural, operations.

Eliminate water hammer

VFDs provide a soft start function that minimises water hammer, a serious problem for many irrigations systems where the pump is turned on or off suddenly. Increasing or decreasing the speed of the water pump slowly eliminates water hammer, preventing damage to the pump, piping valves and other pump components.

Motor protection and monitoring

Overload protection for the pump motor and control modes to monitor conditions that would be detrimental to the motor.

Climate control in livestock housing through to vegetable and grain storage, benefits from the use of variable frequency drives to control motor speed

Chickens pigs and cows
  • Provide optimum ventilation and circulation
  • Provide the exact amount of fresh air required
  • Maintain relative humidity
  • Minimise moisture and condensation
  • Maintain temperature at an optimal level

From conveyors used to move a multitude of produce around the farm through to fans used for aerating grain or cooling livestock, wherever electrical motors are present in agricultural operations Optidrive variable frequency drives improve productivity and profitability.

Suitable for all fan types

  • Wall Fan Wall Fan
  • Ceiling Ceiling
  • Roof Mounted Roof Mounted
  • Turbulator Recirculation Turbulator Recirculation
  • Plate Fan Plate Fan

Applications in Agricultural Automation

Conveyor Systems

VFDs regulate conveyor speed in grain handling, fruit sorting, packaging, and livestock feeding operations. They ensure smooth acceleration and deceleration, preventing product damage and reducing mechanical wear.

Feed Mills & Processing Plants

They control motors driving augers, mixers, and material handling systems, enhancing process efficiency.

Automated Harvesting Equipment

Some harvesting systems use VFDs to match the speed of conveyors with harvesting rates, ensuring better crop handling and reducing waste.

Yard Scrapers

In dairy and livestock farming, automated yard scrapers keep passageways clean by removing manure and debris. VFDs regulate motor speed, allowing smooth start-up, precise movement, and speed adjustment based on surface conditions or load variations.

Milking Systems & Dairy Equipment

VFDs help regulate vacuum pumps and milking parlors, ensuring steady operation and energy savings.

Grain Handling & Drying

VFDs optimize conveyor belts, augers, and drying fans, enhancing efficiency while reducing mechanical stress and energy use.

Benefits of Using VFDs in Agriculture

Energy Efficiency

Traditional motors run at constant speeds, leading to unnecessary power consumption. VFDs allow precise speed control, reducing energy use by up to 50%.

Lower Maintenance Costs

By reducing mechanical and electrical stress, VFDs decrease maintenance frequency and costs.

Reduced Mechanical Stress

Soft start and stop functions prevent sudden jolts, minimizing wear on belts, gears, and bearings, extending equipment lifespan.

Enhanced Safety

Controlled acceleration/deceleration prevents equipment damage and operator injuries.

Improved Process Control

Farmers can fine-tune motor speeds to match specific operational requirements, increasing productivity and consistency.

Remote Monitoring & Automation

Many modern VFDs integrate with IoT and automation systems, allowing remote monitoring and adjustments, improving efficiency and reducing labour costs.

VFDs are a valuable investment in agricultural automation, offering energy savings, improved process control, and enhanced equipment longevity.

Their ability to optimise motor performance makes them essential in modern precision agriculture.

Benefits of using vfds globe

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Agriculture case studies

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    Optidrive VFDs Optimise Efficiency And Productivity In Agricultural And Horticultural Applications

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