Invertek Drives Ltd staff sign-up to getting fitter with leisure centre

Employees at one of Mid Wales’ leading technology companies have committed to getting fitter this winter as part of a deal with Freedom Leisure, operators of Powys County Council’s Flash Leisure Centre in Welshpool, close to the company's global headquarters in Wales, UK.

While Invertek Drives Ltd is well-known globally for its energy-saving variable frequency drives (VFDs) for controlling motors, staff will be looking to exert as much energy as possible at the centre’s gym and fitness facilities.

“A number of colleagues have been members of the leisure centre and this has been growing steadily to the point that Freedom Leisure offered to work with us as part of a corporate plan to encourage more to join and get fit,” said Bryony Wilson, a member of the Invertek customer service and sales team also represents Wales as a member of the Welsh Bowls international senior team.

Chris Windsor of Freedom Leisure, which operates and manages Powys County Council’s leisure centres, said: “Keeping fit is an important part of everyone’s lives. By working with local companies, we can help encourage more people to look after their health and fitness and it’s great to have Invertek Drives Ltd and their employees on board.”

Freedom Leisure offers discounts and incentives with companies and organisations who have more than 10 people members of their leisure centres.

Caption: Photo: Bryony Wilson (left) and Nathan Archer (right) of Invertek Drives Ltd with Freedom’s mascot, Jim Trainer