ISO 14001 accreditation achieved

Invertek Drives is delighted to announce that it has secured ISO 14001:2004 accreditation following successful completion of the assessment process.

ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard for an effective Environmental Management System (EMS). The standard is designed to address the delicate balance between maintaining profitability and reducing environmental impact.

One of Invertek’s founders, Operations Director, Charles Haspel, says, “Invertek recognises that our business does not exist in isolation. As a responsible organisation we are committed to operating in a way that minimises potential harm to the environment, whilst ensuring our business has the potential to succeed. ISO 14001 accreditation is official recognition of our environmental credentials.”

In order to secure ISO 14001 certification, Invertek was required to demonstrate its commitment to operating a sustainable EMS by documenting the steps it will take to ensure the company minimises its impact on the environment. All areas of Invertek’s business underwent a comprehensive audit to identify where improvements could be made and ISO accreditation requires regular audits which aim to ensure Invertek is implementing its Environmental Management System on a continuous basis.

In addition to the way Invertek’s business is run, its product range is also helping to reduce CO2 emissions; Optidrive variable speed drives can reduce energy consumption in a wide variety of industrial and HVAC applications by directly matching the speed of the electric motor with the requirement of the appliance.

Governments around the world have introduced energy saving targets and are putting legislation and regulations in place to ensure they are met, as Charles explains, “More than 70% of the energy consumed globally is used by electric motors. This is being addressed with the introduction of legislation to ensure consumers use the most efficient equipment controlled in the most effective way.

“As well as saving energy when used with traditional induction motors, we have future-proofed our P2 and HVAC Optidrives by developing them to work with the latest motor designs, including Permanent Magnet (PM) and Synchronous Reluctance (SynRM). This approach is a guarantee to our customers that the drives they purchase from Invertek will remain fit for purpose for the foreseeable future.”

Invertek has included an energy savings calculator on its website so customers can estimate the potential energy, CO2 and financial savings when an Optidrive is used to control the speed, and therefore the output flow, of a centrifugal fan or pump. It will also be launching a mobile app version of its energy savings calculator at the SPS 2013 show taking place in Nuremburg later this month.

In addition to ISO 14001 accreditation, Invertek also operates an ISO 9001:2008 accredited quality management system. All processes and procedures are documented and managed to ensure an auditable trail throughout all areas of Invertek’s business. 

Find out more about Invertek’s environmental policy.

Manufacturing Engineer, Dylan Jones, pictured with ISO14001 certificate