Optidrive Pool makes a splash in Australia

Australia has the highest swimming pool ownership per capita in the world, with 1.2 million private pools and more than 30,000 new pools being installed each year.

However, running and maintaining a pool can be a costly exercise, both for the environment and for owners’ wallets, which is where Invertek can help.

The innovative company has adapted its core E2 Single Phase technology to create a dedicated ‘Pool Pump’ drive, specifically designed to help private pool owners reduce their energy consumption by up to 75% - saving approximately $860 per year.

Optidrive Pool is a fully digital, enclosed AC invertor designed to run off a domestic electricity supply. The drive can be used to exactly match the speed of the pump to the correct flow requirement, achieving significant reductions in energy usage as Invertek’s Technical Manager, Kes Beech, explains;

“Ideally swimming pool pumps need to operate at two speeds – full speed for backwashing or cleaning of the filtration system, and a slower speed for normal, everyday filtration.  Most domestic sized swimming pools are fitted with standard pumps that operate at full speed all of the time even when it’s not needed, meaning precious energy is used unnecessarily.”

Optidrive Pool has been designed for easy installation, without requiring any specialist electrical or plumbing work. In addition, because the motor is under less stress, maintenance costs can also be lowered as wear and tear on the parts is reduced.

As well as cutting energy, and running and maintenance costs, using a variable speed drive to control the motor can also dramatically reduce the noise of the pump - making swimming a far more peaceful past time!

Using a drive also helps to ensure the water is cleaned efficiently by controlling the rate of flow and pressure as it passes through the filtration media.

Find out more about the capability of Invertek’s Optidrive E2 Single Phase on which Optidrive Pool is based, or visit the Community news page to find out how sales of the Optidrive Pool Pump drive are helping to fund vital environmental projects in partnership with Landcare Australia.

Invertek also provides this service to commercial customers - read about an installation for the City of Gosnells Aquatic Centre on our case studies page.