UK and Wales government ministers visit Invertek Drives

Two government ministers have visited the UK headquarters of Invertek Drives Ltd in Welshpool, Powys, UK.

Ken Skates AM, Economic Minister for Wales and Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, UK Government Minister for Wales, visited the global headquarters and manufacturing facility.

They were given a briefing about the company by Rhydian Welson, Sales and Marketing Director, and Glyn Jones, Innovation Director, before touring the offices and the new 5,500sq metre global manufacturing and distribution facility which opened earlier this year.

The new facility, built by the Welsh Government, will allow Invertek Drives Ltd to increase the manufacturing capacity of its variable frequency drives to 400,000 a year.

“We were able to provide an update on the continued growth of Invertek globally as we celebrate our 21st anniversary year,” said Rhydian Welson.

Investing in innovation

“The ministers were also able to see how our investment in innovation has ensured the continued development of our VFD technology which is used globally to provide motion control for motors in a wide range of applications.”

Ken Skates, Economy Minister, said: “I was really pleased to visit Invertek and hear how the business is continuing to grow and that the new premises provided by Welsh Government have facilitated the company’s expansion.

“Invertek are an important employer in Mid Wales and provide quality job opportunities.

I’d like to congratulate the company on celebrating 21 years of operations in Wales and I look forward to seeing the tremendous progress they have made in that time go from strength to strength.

“Invertek continually demonstrates its ability to drive forward cutting-edge technology and is a real asset to the region.”

UK Government Minister for Wales, Lord Bourne said: “Following the UK Government’s decision to reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050, it is encouraging to see Welsh businesses such as Invertek Drives Ltd designing and manufacturing technologies that can be used to make significant energy savings in industry and commercial buildings.

Contributing over £5 million to the local economy

“Contributing more than £5 million annually to the Powys economy and employing over 200 people, Invertek Drives Ltd is a shining example of a Welsh business that is investing not only in Mid Wales but also in the future of green technology.”

Invertek Drives Ltd employs 200 people at its base in Wales, UK and distributes its drives globally through a network of sales partners in 80 countries.


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Owain Betts, Media and Communications

t: +44 (0)1938 558 253

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