Welsh Government showcases Invertek’s investment in innovation

Invertek Drives was recently invited to take part in a series of case studies produced for the Welsh Government to showcase the support available to companies wishing to innovate in order to expand.

The independently owned company is proud of its Welsh heritage and appreciative of the support it has received from the Welsh Government which has helped it to make significant investment in R&D activities to ensure it develops world-leading products and services.

The Welsh Government has produced written and filmed case studies outlining how Smart Cymru funding awards have assisted Invertek to become a leading global player in its industry in just 15 years.

Operations Director, Charles Haspel, was filmed explaining what Invertek’s products do and why innovation has such a vital role in the company’s ambitious expansion plans. He says, “About 70% of the world’s electrical energy is consumed by electric motors so the energy efficient control of these motors is very important.”

Invertek’s variable speed drives can significantly cut the amounts of energy used in a wide range of automation applications by exactly matching the speed of an electric motor with the requirements of the operation. The company operates in a huge and extremely competitive global market so developing products that people will want to buy and use is absolutely key.

Innovation has been fundamental to the success of the business from the outset – the company was originally set up when the founders identified a niche in the market for a range of compact, easy to use, AC inverters.  With support from the Welsh Government, as well as significant capital investments approved by the Board of Directors, Invertek developed two technology platforms which remain at the core of its Optidrive range.

Charles continues, “We’ve had two forms of support from the Welsh Government, one in providing tailor made world class facilities on lease terms; the other has been focussed on innovation. Smart Cymru awards have helped us to employ people who can look more widely into the research community enabling deeper investigation of best design practice.

“The innovation process is at the heart of what we do – we have to have great products. We’re working with very big companies who are coming here and buying our technology. We need to prove to them that the technology is put together in the right way.”

Invertek’s products are now sold in more than 80 countries worldwide and the company is committed to an ambitious R&D programme designed to address sector specific motor control issues around the world.

Its substantial growth also means Invertek Drives now plays a vital role in its community, both as an employer and in the estimated £5m it contributes annually to the local economy.

Charles concludes, “We want to be the best employer in the area, paying the best pay and with the best people. As a Welsh business and a UK business, we’re doing the right things in terms of promoting our ability to manufacture, to market and to innovate new products.”

Visit the Business Wales YouTube channel to hear Invertek tell its story.